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Genre: Management / Puzzle

Production time: 6 weeks as a team

of 3 students

Inspirations: Lemmings, Visitors in Roller Coaster

Focus of the project:

- Level Design in a puzzle oriented game

( How to use resources to make a good puzzle)

- UI and how to communicate information with the player

(The game as a lot of elements to consider to make a good strategy)

- Interactions between the mechanics and the Tweeps.

(Is it fun to play and use them?)

Quit Butoon Gif.gif

My work

UI and Screens navigation:

In this project, I mostly worked on the UI, Screens and documentations. I created every buttons and their signs / feedbacks, leading to a pleasant navigation. I programmed the tutorial and the navigation between screen. We wanted to create a coherent esthetic trough the game fitting the goofiness of the game. 



HUD was a major part of the game, it was core to the gameplay of having to balance areas, so we opted for gauges since it is an efficient way to show a ''balance'' and easier to read since it was a challenge to communicate the different elements of the game to the player.

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